If you work in the flooring industry you are probably well aware of knee protection products such as ProKnee Model 0714. The floor sales company Independence Floor Supply mostly sells flooring for contractors and installers. So they became increasingly aware how important it was for flooring installers to have the right protection gear for the job. They had heard about ProKnee and all the products they offer. Although they didn’t really start to dig into it until they came across ProKnee Model 0714.
Although ProKnee Model 0714 isn’t the latest in the line of knee protectors, it is their most popular. Mostly because of how customizable the product is and the proven quality. The best thing about the Model 0714 is that is covers from the shin to the knee. It was also molded from a real life model in the kneeling position! This is essential because it gives the product a natural shape that allows for comfortable kneeling for long periods of time. If you’re a flooring installer, or just love one, check out ProKnee. You can find all of their available products on the website of Independence Floor Supply. On their site you will be able to find replacement parts for all the older and newer ProKnee models. As well as purchase the ProKnee Model 0714 and the latest model.

If I’ve even peaked your interest in this ProKnee product. You can learn more and read a number of information PDF’s right here on Independence Floor Supply’s website, https://www.ifsupply.com/model-0714/. Most importantly if you spend your days kneeling, installing flooring. Your body will thank you for purchasing the ProKnee Model 0714! The professionals at Independence Floor Supply would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Don’t make the mistake of taking your body for granted and get the protection you need today!