Maine Employment and Labor Relations Specialist Alex McCann wants you to know you have an ally in your struggle for workers comp, personal injury, and more. This topic is extremely dense and takes a lot of time to work through. But Employee-Labor relations are of crucial importance these days. The economic situation in America is not sustainable in the long term. We need to find more common ground and make better deals with large employers. When companies like Walmart and Amazon take advantage of their employees, they make it easier for smaller businesses to do the same. The value of labor in America right now is very low.

Maine Employment and Labor Relations
Alex McCann has made a career out of fighting for the little guy. Having presented cases to the Maine Supreme Court and won, it’s fair to say he is one of the leading voices in the fight to protect the rights of Maine workers. If you are having an issue with your employer, workers comp, or anything in the realm of needing legal interpretation, call Alex. His office can at least help you find the path forward, if not take your case directly. Contact his office for help with employee-business relations. Don’t hesitate!