Historic Rehabilitation from Kronenberger & Sons is the best way to restore your historic property to its former glory. Homes and buildings must be maintained. The older they get, the more worn down they become. Windows, doors, and other fixtures don’t have to keep wearing out. If you have drafts through your windows or doors, you can have them repaired and restored instead of replaced. Why remove beautiful historic fixtures to replace them with modern blandness? You can restore your old home by contacting Kronenberger & Sons. If you need more convincing, go to their website and see their results for yourself!

Historic Rehabilitation
Kronenberger & Sons have a lot of projects they’ve completed available to check out on their website. They have restored homes, state houses, schools, churches, and more. They are meticulous and careful. The best part is they remove any harmful chemicals while they are restoring. Unfortunately, Lead and asbestos were commonly used before the mid-1970s. These materials are harmful and can potentially cause health hazards and problems. If your home was built before 1973, we would suggest having K&S come and remove these harmful chemicals from your home. They aren’t generally a major problem unless the lead paint is chipping and the asbestos is exposed. Contact Kronenberger & Sons to learn more. Take a look at their past projects.