Are you tired of the plastic traditional floss comes in and find yourself searching for a environmentally friendly floss product? Well then you’re in luck! The people over at Dental Lace have made it their mission to develop and produce environmentally friendly floss. Their floss is refillable, plastic free, compostable dental floss and is a 100% zero waste product. Their environmentally friendly floss comes in a glass container topped with a stainless-steel cap that holds the end of the floss. They didn’t stop there though. They went on to make sure their packaging was also 100% environmentally friendly.
Dental Lace has ensured that their refill packaging and boxes are 100% certified compostable and made from post-consumer paperboard. The glass container is designed to be re-used and refilled, while the refillable bags are composted and the boxes recycled. I almost forgot to mention that the floss itself biodegrades overtime! Even the labels on their glass containers are made from sugar cane and is also 100% compostable. There is not better choice if you’ve been searching for an environmentally friendly floss!

I know that I’ve been thinking a lot more about the waste the things I buy produce. I am always excited to learn that a company and going the extra mile to make their packaging and even product environmentally friendly. It has also inspired me to do what I can to reduce the amount of waste my household produces. One first step would be to make the switch from traditional floss to Dental Lace floss. Dental Lace didn’t stop at floss, they also developed and produces bamboo toothbrushes! Don’t just take my word for it, make some time in your day to check out all the amazing environmentally friendly dental products! Making the switch to producing less waste might be easier than you think it is!