Divorce Life Coach

Divorce Life Coach Lisa Zonder is ready to help you through one of the most difficult times in your life. Whether pre-, during-, or post-divorce, Women Over 40 Coaching can help you through this struggle without you suffering silently. So many women and men choose to suffer silently through divorce. WO40 is not gender specific either, while they are branded to market to women, they absolutely help men through the same process. It’s not any specific person who struggles through divorce. It’s a time no one enjoys. So don’t ask your friends or family for advice. While they are great sources of support, divorce is a tricky and personal thing. Their advice might be tainted by an experience they had or witnessed.

The divorce process is complicated, and WO40 Coaching isn’t here to be your divorce lawyer. They are here to help you talk about how you’re feeling and the best path forward for you and your situation specifically.

Divorce Life Coach

Divorce Life Coach

There is a lot to decide while you go through the divorce process, especially if the marriage has a large estate or financial holdings. Splitting assets is never fun. It’s hard to let go of things, and when kids are involved it makes it even trickier. Divorce Lawyers aren’t always the best people to ask for advice, their goals as your legal counsel aren’t always going to reflect what’s best for you as an individual. Having an expert in divorce legalities and someone who will take the time to go over your personal situation can make a huge difference. So contact WO40 Coaching today. Get solid advice and some perspective. Don’t hesitate to call with questions. Again, WO40 Coaching is not gender selective. Everyone can use some advice through this process.