Southern Maine AC Company

Southern Maine AC Company Gelinas HVAC is the best choice in the Portland Area for AC installation, repair, maintenance, and more. Summer is just around the corner, and you will want your AC to work. Sumers have been getting hotter every year and that trend isn’t slowing down. Gelinas HVAC can inspect your current AC system and let you know if they find any problems. You can hire them to fix the issues that do arise. However, if you have an older system, you may want to upgrade. This is because newer Air Conditioners are more energy efficient, and we know how power prices have been high. Saving all the money you can on utilities is crucial.

Southern Maine AC Company

Southern Maine AC Company

Gelinas is a full-service HVAC and Plumbing company that can take care of all of your heating and cooling needs. They can also install a Heat Pump in your home. These are incredibly popular for their energy efficiency, and they are perfect for areas of your home where your heat/AC doesn’t reach. Heat Pumps are great for small to medium-sized homes. Often, they can be the main source of temperature control. However, some homes are too big, or their airflow makes it harder to stay temperature-controlled. In these situations, heat pumps are still useful.