Maine Plumbing

Maine Plumbing from Gelinas HVAC might not be your first thought when you have a plumbing issue, but it should be. Gelinas HVAC is the name of the company, but HVAC is just one of many services they provide. They are an expert plumbing service in addition to being heat and AC experts. If you have a plumbing issue you need resolved, we recommend you call Gelinas ASAP. Especially because winter is on its way. The last thing you want is a plumbing issue turning into an emergency when it’s below freezing. Plumbing issues are never fun to start with, but are always worse in the winter. Especially after a storm, when so many emergencies take place, and service providers like plumbers are super busy.

Maine Plumbing

Gelinas HVAC provides many plumbing-related services. Including water heaters. As heating and cooling experts, they are ready and able to assess your water heater and check for signs of corrosion. Water heaters are one of the many things that can go anytime, but are especially vulnerable to cold temperatures. Beyond that they can provide most other plumbing services that come to mind. Service, repairs, and replacements of existing fixtures and systems, drainage, sump pump, sewage service, irrigation systems, winterizing buildings, kitchen and bath remodels, and even energy efficiency upgrades. Instead of rolling the dice with the random plumber, call the experts who guarantee exceptional service. Gelinas is also certified with most of the major manufacturers. Meaning they are qualified to install newer systems and trained on the hows and how-nots of performing residential plumbing. Don’t be the ones who call Gelinas to come and fix a former plumber’s mistake. They’re happy to do it, but it means you spent money (probably a decent amount) on someone to not really fix the issue.

Visit Gelinas HVAC’s website to learn more about their plumbing services. Contact them to schedule an inspection, energy efficiency audit, or to replace or upgrade parts of your plumbing system. They are also great for checking your heating system before winter. And can maintain, repair, or upgrade your home heating solutions before it gets too cold.